Digital 1 Social Media allows SMEs to create and share interests, company information, news, marketing information and ideas in the form of text, photos or videos to their network of followers on various platforms, no matter which ones the company uses, from one to several platforms to interact with their network.
The business profiles are loaded onto the Digital 1 Social Media system and are accessible anytime, anywhere and from any device. It improves the way in which SMEs communicate and interact with their customers.
The service includes digital marketing, allowing you to take a broader look at the marketing plan to be implemented and enables the inclusion of various digital aspects within the plan while keeping up with the latest technology to be up to date with the ever-changing way in which customers interact with businesses and purchase their products or services.
It includes options such as SEO, content marketing and automation, social media marketing and search engine marketing, amongst other digital marketing services. It has a number of resources to assist businesses with digital marketing on the major social media platforms such as Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and many others.